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The Pride of Swindon Awards 

Do you know someone who has made a difference to your community by helping others?
Pride of Swindon Awards 2012
If you do, why not nominate them for one of the Pride Of Swindon Award 2012. 
They could be: 
- A volunteer who has given their time selflessly for years.
- A child or adult who has displayed remarkable courage.
- A person who has helped reduce crime in your area
- Somebody who has given unselfish service to one of the hundreds of sports clubs in the town.
- An exemplary young person who should be recognised as a role model.
- An extra-special neighbour.
- An employee who has gone the extra mile for those in the community – maybe an inspiring teacher or a caring nurse or doctor.
The Pride of Swindon Team Award 2012
If you don’t want to single out an individual for recognition, you can nominate a team of people carrying out an invaluable service benefitting local people.
How to Nominate Someone
If you want to nominate a team or individual for the 2012 Pride of Swindon Awards simply follow the link below and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Please Note: The closing date for nominations is Friday 10 February 2012.
Janet's Puppy School
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire